What we do and what we don't? Show we intervene? Pillars' description - Pillar 1: Forest Governance - Pillar 2: Sustainable sectoral development - Pillar 3: Agro-environmental development - Pillar 4: Environmental Governance with Indigenous People - Pillar 5: Enabling Conditions Budget

We focus actions on three basic components:

  1. Forest resource planning to identify the state, supply, sustainability conditions and use restrictions to achieve sustainable management that allows for a steady flow of forest products, goods and services.
  2. Promoting participatory processes for community forest management, environmental education and
    communication to build consensus on economic, social and environmental alternatives to curb
    deforestation and for the reconversion of areas that have been degraded. deforestation and for the conversion of
    areas that have been degraded.
  3. Strengthening the managerial, planning, technical and operational capacity of the authorities
    to fulfill their primary function of ensuring the protection of forests