Vision Amazon - What is Amazonian Vision? - Deforestation in the Amazon - Payment for results - Where does the program works? - Distribution of resources - Program Timeline 2016-2020 - Vision Amazonia and its projects - Work Team - Downloads What do we do? - What we do and what we don't? - Show we intervene? - Pillars' description - Budget News Attention to the Citizen - Contractual documents - PQR - FAQ - Glossary Agenda

Vision Amazonia is developed in five pillars that promote a sustainable model of the Amazonian territory. These pillars work in a coordinated manner, implementing actions that promote the sustainable use of the forest, formulate plans for environmental and forest management and management, promote agreements with territorial entities, associations of peasants and indigenous communities to reduce deforestation in the Amazon.

The period of time contemplated by the program is from 2016 to 2020, the year in which the goal of zero deforestation is sought.