He’s a lawyer, he holds a master’s degree in public administration from the Universidad de los Andes and the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government respectively. José participated actively in the creation of the national environmental system and the new scheme of environmental compensation of Colombia. Collaborated in the expansion and financial strategy to protect the Chiribiquete Natural National Park. For this work, the prestigious magazine SEMANA named him as a character of the year 2013. For his work in favor of the country’s conservation, this same magazine had ranked him as one of the best leaders of Colombia in 2012. He has been head of legal offices of National Parks and the Ministry of the Environment of Colombia, Officer of the Natural Resources Defense Council in Washington, representative in Colombia The Nature Conservancy. His environmental experience includes countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, consultancies for the World Bank and Inter-American Development, USAID and other international donors. He is a founding partner and representative of the Bahia and Ecosystems Foundation of Colombia, an organization created for the protection of the Bay of Cartagena. Currently José coordinates the Amazon Vision, a national and international effort of 122 million dollars to avoid deforestation in that region.
José Ignacio Muñoz Córdoba
Pillar Leader Improving Forest Governance
He has more than 20 years of experience in environmental management and planning in the southern ...
He has more than 20 years of experience in environmental management and planning in the southern Colombian Amazon have positioned José Ignacio Muñoz as a prominent professional with a keen sense in the development of high quality environmental management processes. His extensive experience began in the Corporación Autónoma del Putumayo CAP, and for 16 years he later served as director general of the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Southern Amazon CORPOAMAZONIA. Among its most outstanding achievements is the Forest Management Plan of 2,173,444 hectares, where more than 3,000 hectares of agroforestry systems were established with cacao, rubber, chontaduro and Amazonian fruit trees, the implementation of 600 silvopastoral systems for cattle reconversion, and installation of 500 dendroenergética plots and equal amount of ecological stoves that reduced the consumption of firewood. During his administration, the financial growth, administrative strengthening and modernization of the entity’s infrastructure were notable, with the construction of the offices of Leticia, Florencia, Mocoa and the Amazon Experiment Center, processes that led to CORPOAMAZONIA obtaining its certification in Management of Quality in the ISO 9001 standard.
Yezid Beltrán Barreiro
Leader Pilar Agro-environmental Development
Innovative and pioneering are some of the qualifiers with which renowned Colombian institutes and...
Innovative and pioneering are some of the qualifiers with which renowned Colombian institutes and media have described Yezid Beltrán Barreiro a passionate Colombian Amazon who has dedicated his professional work to the characterization and consolidation of regional value chains of rubber, cocoa, coffee, forestry, ovine – caprine and especially livestock raising of meat and milk in this region of the country. Yezid is an Agricultural Engineer with a Master’s Degree in Biological Sciences from the National University of Colombia. In his professional and investigative experience great achievements such as the designation of origin Queso del Caquetá, first of its kind in Colombia along with the collective brand for regional dairy products. With the support of the SINCHI Institute, he cultivates, transforms and markets products derived from Amazonian fruits for the national and international market, obtaining 58 references, work for which he has received recognition from the Humboldt Institute, the BioTrade Fund and the newspaper Portafolio in the category of innovation . He is currently leading the agrarian development pillar for the Amazonia Vision program.
Edersson Cabrera Montenegro
Leader Pilar Enabling Conditions
He has dedicated more than 16 years of his professional life to environmental monitoring in Colom...
He has dedicated more than 16 years of his professional life to environmental monitoring in Colombia, especially through the use of satellite images for the monitoring of forest ecosystems, as well as in the analysis of the dynamics of land use change. Edersson Cabrera is a Forest Engineer, with postgraduate in areas of spatial analysis and remote sensing. He has a vast experience and knowledge in interpretation and analysis of satellite images for the monitoring of the natural forest, he has led the development and implementation of methodologies,
protocols and official technical procedures of the country, in this area linked to the IDEAM team and The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Since 2012 he has been working as the Coordinator of the Forest and Carbon Monitoring System for Colombia. Edersson is also part of the technical team that generated the first Forest Emissions Reference Level for the Colombian Amazon, the first REDD + , and the First Biennial Report on Emissions Update (BUR) submitted by Colombia to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); and has been part of the Colombian technical delegation to the Conferences of the Parties – COP, within the framework of the UNFCCC. He currently leads the Pillar Enabling Conditions for the Visión Amazonia program.
Ayda Lucia Jacanamijoy Muyuy
Leader Pillar Environmental Governance with Indigenous People
Ayda Lucia Jacanamijoy Muyuy is indigenous Inga de Manoy-Santiago Putumayo, worthy representative...
Ayda Lucia Jacanamijoy Muyuy is indigenous Inga de Manoy-Santiago Putumayo, worthy representative and knower of her community, is an important standard bearer of the educational processes that tend to rescue and revitalize her ancestral culture. Ayda is an anthropologist at the University of Antioquia, specialist in Public Management and candidate for the Master’s Degree in Amazonian Studies from the National University of Colombia. With a remarkable and extensive experience in research on indigenous issues, health and public policies, she has been outstanding as Governor of the Inter-Ethnic Cabildo Chibcariwak of Medellín, adviser of the National Indigenous Training Program, external teacher of the National Pedagogical University for the project “Accompaniment to Educational processes Cabildos Ingas de San Andrés and Santiago Putumayo. With a brilliant step in the educational processes of her region, she was co-founder of the Inga Bilingual Center “Iachai Wasi” Carlos Tamabioy of the Cabildo Inga Santiago Putumayo, Director of the San Marcelino Ethno-Educational Center in San Miguel Putumayo, Coordinator of the Plan Education and Culture Hub of Safeguard Inga of Colombia, and adviser on indigenous issues for CORPOAMAZONIA. Currently Ayda is the leader of the Environmental Governance pillar with Indigenous Peoples for the Amazon Vision Program.
Eduardo Ariza Vera
Advisor to the Pillar Environmental Governance with Indigenous People
Eduardo Ariza Vera is an Anthropologist with an important work experience related to processes of...
Eduardo Ariza Vera is an Anthropologist with an important work experience related to processes of recognition and territorial organization with indigenous and Afro-descendant communities and local and regional authorities. He has developed his work in the region of the Colombian and Ecuadorian Amazon, the region of the Pacific and in the Colombian and Venezuelan Orinoquia. Eduardo has also been outstanding in the design of strategies of Social Participation and Sectorial Dialogue within the framework of conservation and Sustainable Development with Indigenous, Afro-Colombian and Peasant Communities. Within his vast and specialized career he has worked in different areas in important organizations and institutions such as: The Nature Conservancy TNC where he was Coordinator of the Conservation Strategy with indigenous peoples for the North Andes and South of Central America region and projects in the Colombian Amazon, especially in the Matavén Forest and the area of influence of the Serranía de Chiribiquete Natural National Park. Likewise, I coordinate projects with the cofan nationality of Ecuador. He is currently Advisor of the Indigenous Pillar of the Visión Amazonia program.
Ricardo Lara Melo
Pillar Leader Sustainable Sectoral Development
It has more than twenty-five years of experience in the non-renewable resources sector (mainly oi...
It has more than twenty-five years of experience in the non-renewable resources sector (mainly oil and gas) in the hydrocarbon industry, which is a strength to recognize the opportunities of the regions in order to decarbonise their economy and impact on its development model. Ricardo is a geographer, environmental management and climate change specialist, his valuable experience and capacity to face new challenges, allow him to plan and propose strategies and tactics to promote the necessary intercultural changes, technological innovations and policy adjustments for the reduction of deforestation in the Amazon, while promoting models of land occupation, which promote more sustainable development processes. In the last seven years, he has worked in structuring and developing mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change, studies of vulnerability and risk threats, for ENREDD- Colombia, MDLs (Clean Development Mechanism) – Ecuador, Colombian Strategy for Low Carbon Development and the IDIGER, IDEAM, Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development – MADS and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. He is currently the leader of the Sustainable Sector Development Pillar for the Amazon Vision Program.
Virginia Salazar Bermúdez
National Advisor
He has more than 17 years of experience in environmental economic valuation, specializing in the ...
He has more than 17 years of experience in environmental economic valuation, specializing in the design, implementation and research of economic and financial instruments, as well as in the analysis and development of environmental standards and environmental market research. Virginia is an Economist with a Master’s Degree in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources from the University of the Andes, within her full and extensive work performance, she has been a consultant and adviser to important organizations such as the German Cooperation Agency GIZ through the Environment Program Colombia – PROMAC where she was an adviser in environmental economic valuation and implementation of economic instruments for the conservation of dry forest ecosystems in Colombia; and National Natural Parks of Colombia in the Environmental Sustainability and Business Branch, supporting the design of instruments such as payments for environmental services and climate change to finance the conservation of protected areas of the National Natural Parks System of Colombia. Currently Virginia is National Advisor of the Amazon Vision Program.
Néstor Ortiz
National Advisor
He has an exemplary career both in the private and public sector as well as in the academy practi...
He has an exemplary career both in the private and public sector as well as in the academy practicing as a teacher at universities such as Los Andes, Javeriana, La Salle, Jorge Tadeo Lozano and Santo Tomás. Néstor Ortiz holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from Universidad de los Andes and has an outstanding experience of more than 15 years in the management of environmental policies, plans and projects at national and regional levels in entities such as the Andean Community CAN, Amazon Cooperation ACTO, the Ministry of Environment, the National Administrative Department of Statistics DANE, the Comptroller General of the Republic, the Institute of Biological Resources Research Alexander von Humboldt, and Natural Heritage Fund for Biodiversity and Protected Areas. It has also implemented projects funded by the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the German Government of Finland, the Netherlands and General Budget of the Nation. Néstor currently serves as National Advisor for the Visión Amazonia Program.
Marnix Becking
Principal Advisor
He has dedicated more than 25 years of his professional career as a specialist in international c...
He has dedicated more than 25 years of his professional career as a specialist in international cooperation in the Andean-Amazonian countries, accompanying entities and organizations such as GEF World Bank, IDB and bilateral agencies such as KfW, GIZ, DGIS, DANIDA, European Union, and Finland, on forest management, biodiversity, climate change – REDD +, governance and equity. Marnix is a biologist with a Masters in Tropical Ecology from the University of Amsterdam, as a knower, researcher and passionate about the Amazonian territory, he has led projects on issues related to forest governance, territorial management in the Amazon, sustainable productive alternatives and governance with indigenous peoples the Amazon Region Program (BMZ-DGIS) and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (“Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization”), and the Amazon Regional Program (BMZ-DGIS). ACTO), the Tropenbos Amazon Program, and the Bolivia-Peru-Brazil Trinational Amazonian Program (CARE-DGIS). Marnix currently serves as Senior Advisor for the Amazon Vision Program.
Germán Dario Peña
Community Manager
Social Communicator – Journalist specializing in Multimedia Communication and more than ten...
Social Communicator – Journalist specializing in Multimedia Communication and more than ten years of professional experience in the media, as well as in public and private entities. He was a reporter in Canal Capital and journalism in communication agencies such as Direct Access. Later he was part of the press teams of the Colombian Association of Cooperatives (Ascoop), the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) and the Ministry of Agriculture, in which he developed content writing, communications consulting and social media management . He served as the Press Officer of the Colombian Chamber of Petroleum Goods and Services (Campetrol) and is currently an advisor on press, strategic communication and social networks issues of the current Minister of the Environment of Colombia, Luís Gilberto Murillo, the Amazon Vision Program, Military Forces Retirement Fund (Cremil), Central Investment (CISA) and agencies Rafael Poveda Television and Create Videos. He currently serves as community manager for the Amazon Vision Program.
Edgar Otavo Rodríguez
He is the author of the study “Extraction of wood with agricultural oxen” published b...
He is the author of the study “Extraction of wood with agricultural oxen” published by FAO in its highest category in English, French and Spanish, a document of impeccable structure that has served as a guide to improve the low cost transportation of forest developing countries. Edgar is a Forestry Engineer and Surveyor graduated from the University of Tolima, specializing in remote sensors applied to the natural forests of the Inter-American Center for Photointerpretation (CIAF). With more than 30 years of experience in the environmental sector with emphasis on forest management in environmental institutions such as INDERENA, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Corporation for Sustainable Development of the South of Amazonia (Corpoamazonia), has developed its professional work in the province and areas of environmental conflict and armed, which has allowed him to face as his own and with an incredible human and professional sense challenges such as deforestation in the Colombian Amazon. Currently Edgar supports the project Visión Amazonia as Focal Point in Forestry Matters in CORPORAMAZONIA.
Eliana Riascos
Forestry Engineer with a Masters in Environment and Development from the National University of C...
Forestry Engineer with a Masters in Environment and Development from the National University of Colombia and Specialization in Management, Government and Public Affairs from the Externado University of Colombia and Columbia University. Experience in environmental management at national and regional level: design and formulation of management tools and environmental regulation; coordination and assurance of environmental studies; evaluation and follow-up of requests for projects subject to environmental procedures (permits, authorizations or environmental licenses); formulation, coordination, support, evaluation, implementation and follow-up of management and management plans of different categories of protected areas and strategic ecosystems; environmental management of the territory; coordination, formulation and implementation of ecosystem restoration projects financed with international, national and / or regional resources. Eliana stands out for her leadership, teamwork, coordination with different stakeholders, willingness to continue learning and feedback, as well as demonstrating a high commitment to the challenges of innovation, training, development and environmental sustainability for the country. He currently serves as the Focal Point of the Amazon Region in CORMACARENA.
Luis Alejandro Páez
Focal Point CDA
Expert in forest governance, sustainable forest management, environmental management of watershed...
Expert in forest governance, sustainable forest management, environmental management of watersheds, environmental management of the territory, formulation and financial, economic and social evaluation of environmental, forestry and agricultural investment projects. has more than 25 years of experience in: the conception, planning, administration and development of forestry companies of natural and planted forest. He served as technical coordinator of the project “Support for the Consolidation of Forest Governance in Colombia”, in an agreement between ONF Andina and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. has been technical director of the Forest Certificate for Colombia; climate change advisor and watersheds for the CAM; Colombian solid regional coordinator of the USAID MIDAS project; worked for CORMAGDALENA supervising the forestry projects of the low Magdalena and Puracé Biological Corridor – Cueva de los Guacharos; expert in the Barrancabermeja Refinery – Ecopetrol; director of the Agrosol program for CORPOSOL and forestry consultant for several companies, including Corcuencas, AGS and others. He has also worked as a consultant for the ONF in forestry development projects in the following countries: Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua. currently serves as the focal point of Vision Amazonía.
Edwin Hurtado
Veterinarian Zootechnician, Specialist in Project Management, Magister in Agroforestry. His profe...
Veterinarian Zootechnician, Specialist in Project Management, Magister in Agroforestry. His professional work has been developed mainly in the Colombian Amazon, through the formulation, coordination and direction of sustainable rural development projects supported by the National Government, private enterprise and International Cooperation. His professional experience has been forged with leading organizations and promoters of sustainable development; such as the Center for Research in Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems – CIPAV in research and technology transfer for the establishment and management of silvopastoral systems in the Amazonian piedmont (cattle reconversion), Fundación Natura Colombia in local coordination of the Zero Deforestation Zones project , Corporación Colombia Internacional (CCI), in the direction of technical assistance projects and implementation of Sustainable Competitive Agribusiness Models, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the monitoring and evaluation of projects in the main productive systems of the Department of Caquetá ( Rubber, Cocoa, Coffee and Livestock). Edwin currently serves as the Focal Point for the Amazon Region in SINCHI – Caquetá.
José Andrés Vidal
Professional in agroforestry management; magister and specialist in international cooperation for...
Professional in agroforestry management; magister and specialist in international cooperation for development. Training in the formulation and evaluation of international cooperation projects. Sustainable Production models, based on agroforestry systems. Integrated management of banana cultivation. Identification, formulation and management of environmental projects applied to the development of environmental services and education for the rural sector based on productive pedagogical projects. José Andrés has work experience in the official sector as Manager Guaviare of the Rural Development Agency, director of the National Open and Distance University – UNAD in San José del Guaviare, teacher of the School of Agricultural Sciences, Livestock and the environment in UNAD, consultant for verification of projects of productive alliances, analyst of the Ideas for Peace Foundation, adviser in the presentation of projects of the General System of Royalties; Coordinator of Lands and Territories of the New Territories of Peace Program, Secretary of Planning of the Municipality of San José del Guaviare. He currently serves as the focal point of the Amazon Vision in SINCHI – Guaviare.
José Benhur Teteye
He is indigenous of mother Uitoto and father Bora. Born in Coemani, Caqueta and culturally formed...
He is indigenous of mother Uitoto and father Bora. Born in Coemani, Caqueta and culturally formed in La Chorrera, Amazonas. He holds a degree in sociology from the University of Antioquia and a specialization in public finance from the School of Public Administration. All his professional work has been directed to the advice to the Amazon indigenous peoples and state entities for the strengthening of local community processes. He was Secretary General of the Organization of the Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon, OPIAC, where he led the formation of the Program of Guarantee of Rights for the Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon, accompanied the process of consultation of Decree 4633 of 2013 and thematically advised the V Latin American Meeting of Local Governments, among other processes under its responsibility. He was an advisor to the Directorate of Indigenous Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior, where he accompanied the processes of Plan Salavaguarda Uitoto, Kichwa, Coreguaje y Sikuani del Medio Guaviare, the Peace in Action Strategy of the Ministry of the Interior and the formulation of the Indigenous Public Policy of Caquetá . It is currently a focal point in Leticia, Amazonas, of the Environmental Governance Pillar with Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Vision Program.
Carolina Giraldo
Legal Professional
She is a lawyer specializing in Contractual Law, with extensive experience in contracting, pre-co...
She is a lawyer specializing in Contractual Law, with extensive experience in contracting, pre-contractual and contractual processes, structuring of contracts and agreements, public, private and international procurement in accordance with current law. Legal advice, regulatory analysis and issuance of legal concepts. Very good level of English language, sense of responsibility and high degree of commitment.
Jennifer Pavas
Administrative assistant
Jennifer is an economist graduated from La Salle University, at age 23 she has 5 years of work ex...
Jennifer is an economist graduated from La Salle University, at age 23 she has 5 years of work experience in the administrative area, has worked in public and private sector companies, where she has been able to acquire great knowledge in accounting, inventory, indicators, payment procedures, regularization of travel expenses and so on. Recently, his article “Public Policies and Human Development in the Formation of Social Capital” was published in the book “Interdisciplinary perspectives on the generation of public policies and peace”. He currently works as an Administrative Professional of the Amazon Region REM Colombia Program.
Leonardo Torres
Professional Tracking
He is a Civil Engineer, specialist in Management of Projects of Management and Infrastructure and...
He is a Civil Engineer, specialist in Management of Projects of Management and Infrastructure and with PMP® certification. With more than 10 years experience in programming, monitoring and project management for the commercial and energy sectors.
William Laguado
Professional Tracking
Professional of the Technical Branch of the Natural Heritage Fund, Forestry Engineer with 12 year...
Professional of the Technical Branch of the Natural Heritage Fund, Forestry Engineer with 12 years experience in the formulation of forestry initiatives to mitigate climate change for voluntary carbon markets and the Kyoto Protocol. His experience includes the historical analysis of changes in land use and the future projection of forest cover, and its consequences on global environmental change, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools. Currently, it performs functions for the monitoring and follow-up of activities within the framework of the Visión Amazonia / REM Colombia Program.
Vanessa Moreno
Administrative and Financial Coordinator
Forestry engineer with general experience of more than ten years, during which time he has develo...
Forestry engineer with general experience of more than ten years, during which time he has developed activities related to the formulation, management, coordination and follow-up of projects aimed at ecological conservation and restoration and at the moment he is a Candidate for a Master in Environmental Management of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. She currently serves as the Administrative and Financial Coordinator for Visión Amazonia / REM Colombia Program.