Vision Amazon - What is Amazonian Vision? - Deforestation in the Amazon - Payment for results - Where does the program works? - Distribution of resources - Program Timeline 2016-2020 - Vision Amazonia and its projects - Work Team - Downloads What do we do? - What we do and what we don't? - Show we intervene? - Pillars' description - Budget News Attention to the Citizen - Contractual documents - PQR - FAQ - Glossary Agenda

It is a system that compensates the effort of a country to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide equivalent, harmful to the environment and that are produced by the deforestation, in recognition of these reductions are granted financial resources to develop strategies that stop the deforestation and reduce emissions.

A more emissions reduction plus resources to curb deforestation.
Less emission reduction less resources to curb deforestation.

In the case of Colombia, the national government with the support of the governments of Norway, Germany and the United Kingdom developed the Amazon Vision program, establishing the system of payment for results with the goal of 0 net deforestation by 2020. For this purpose, deforestation average in the biome of the Colombian Amazon (zone of intervention of the Visión Amazonía Program) that between 2000 and 2012 was 82,863 hectares, which was defined as the reference level for compensation in the years to come. In this way, the country must join efforts not to exceed the reference level and especially to reduce it to reach the goal of net deforestation or to the year 2020. To achieve this goal, the governments that support the initiative have established a commitment of up to 125 million dollars in 5 years.