Vision Amazon - What is Amazonian Vision? - Deforestation in the Amazon - Payment for results - Where does the program works? - Distribution of resources - Program Timeline 2016-2020 - Vision Amazonia and its projects - Work Team - Downloads What do we do? - What we do and what we don't? - Show we intervene? - Pillars' description - Budget News Attention to the Citizen - Contractual documents - PQR - FAQ - Glossary Agenda

José Yunis Mebarak

Coordinator of the Amazonia Vision Program

He’s a lawyer, he holds a master’s degree in public administration from the Universid...

José Ignacio Muñoz Córdoba

Pillar Leader Improving Forest Governance

He has more than 20 years of experience in environmental management and planning in the southern ...

Yezid Beltrán Barreiro

Leader Pilar Agro-environmental Development

Innovative and pioneering are some of the qualifiers with which renowned Colombian institutes and...

Edersson Cabrera Montenegro

Leader Pilar Enabling Conditions

He has dedicated more than 16 years of his professional life to environmental monitoring in Colom...

Ayda Lucia Jacanamijoy Muyuy

Leader Pillar Environmental Governance with Indigenous People

Ayda Lucia Jacanamijoy Muyuy is indigenous Inga de Manoy-Santiago Putumayo, worthy representative...

Eduardo Ariza Vera

Advisor to the Pillar Environmental Governance with Indigenous People

Eduardo Ariza Vera is an Anthropologist with an important work experience related to processes of...

Ricardo Lara Melo

Pillar Leader Sustainable Sectoral Development

It has more than twenty-five years of experience in the non-renewable resources sector (mainly oi...

Virginia Salazar Bermúdez

National Advisor

He has more than 17 years of experience in environmental economic valuation, specializing in the ...

Néstor Ortiz

National Advisor

He has an exemplary career both in the private and public sector as well as in the academy practi...

Marnix Becking

Principal Advisor

He has dedicated more than 25 years of his professional career as a specialist in international c...

Germán Dario Peña

Community Manager

Social Communicator – Journalist specializing in Multimedia Communication and more than ten...

Edgar Otavo Rodríguez


He is the author of the study “Extraction of wood with agricultural oxen” published b...

Eliana Riascos


Forestry Engineer with a Masters in Environment and Development from the National University of C...

Luis Alejandro Páez

Focal Point CDA

Expert in forest governance, sustainable forest management, environmental management of watershed...

Edwin Hurtado


Veterinarian Zootechnician, Specialist in Project Management, Magister in Agroforestry. His profe...

José Andrés Vidal


Professional in agroforestry management; magister and specialist in international cooperation for...

José Benhur Teteye


He is indigenous of mother Uitoto and father Bora. Born in Coemani, Caqueta and culturally formed...

Carolina Giraldo

Legal Professional

She is a lawyer specializing in Contractual Law, with extensive experience in contracting, pre-co...

Jennifer Pavas

Administrative assistant

Jennifer is an economist graduated from La Salle University, at age 23 she has 5 years of work ex...

Leonardo Torres

Professional Tracking

He is a Civil Engineer, specialist in Management of Projects of Management and Infrastructure and...

William Laguado

Professional Tracking

Professional of the Technical Branch of the Natural Heritage Fund, Forestry Engineer with 12 year...

Vanessa Moreno

Administrative and Financial Coordinator

Forestry engineer with general experience of more than ten years, during which time he has develo...