10 February, 2017

Strategy to counter deforestation in the Guaviare

With strategy to counter deforestation in the Guaviare is expected to reach zero deforestation in 2020

San José del Guaviare, Guaviare. 10 February 2017. (MADS). Through a strategy to reduce deforestation in the Colombian Amazon, the Amazon Vision program, led by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, launched a plan which includes an articulated work with environmental authorities, shock actions and a workshop that was held in the capital of Guaviare.

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“This participatory workshop seeks to coordinate work with all stakeholders towards the sustainable use of forest resources, develop tools for control and management of forests, and the generation of productive alternatives for peasant communities, in order to mitigate deforestation in these territories, “explained José Yunis Mebarak, coordinator of the Amazon Vision in Colombia program.

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The Annual Work Plan is part of the pillar of Forest Governance promoted by the Environment sector throughout the country and strengthened with the inputs of the workshop, which will continue to be structured until March of this year.

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The event, held at the premises of the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the North and the Amazon Region (CDA), was attended by the governor of Guaviare Nebio Echeverry, the Ministry of Environment , officials of the corporations CDA, CORPOAMAZONÍA and CORMACARENA, of National Natural Parks, of the Amazon Scientific Research Institute (SINCHI), Ideam, World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), the ONF Andina organization, the Departmental Comptroller, the National Army , the Air Force and police authorities of the region, as well as delegations from the municipalities of San Vicente del Caguán, Solano, Cartagena del Chaira, El Retorno, Puerto Guzman, Miraflores, Puerto Leguizamo.

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One of the main objectives of this workshop is to promote the control and monitoring actions carried out in view of the deforestation situation, and for that reason the launching of the Forest Bubble of Guaviare was promoted; which Yunis explained, seeks to immediately and effectively attack the drivers of deforestation: “We drive the forest bubble with the support of the armed forces, in direct coordination with environmental authorities, municipal and departmental authorities, and control entities as a strategy timely and preventive response to environmental damage, especially deforestation and illegal mining. ”

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The Amazon Vision initiative is accompanied by national and international organizations such as WWF, which accompanies forest governance processes in Caqueta and Guaviare, strengthening the community capacities of the ASCATRAGUA association to reduce deforestation in the Guayabero River. ONF Andina, which builds planning instruments such as the Forestry Development Plan, the environmental management of 3000 hectares of medium-sized forest and an environmental management plan to be developed in the village of Cristalina in order to support communities in the use and sustainable forest.

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According to those attending the day, it is necessary to accelerate the processes of criminalization of the offenders by establishing the criminalization of cases to ensure forest control, in this regard the Mayor of El Retorno Oscar Eduardo Ospina Ortiz, said that it is urgent to have effective legislation against the “The municipality presents a high percentage of deforestation in the region, which indicates that we have to work, not only from the administration but with all the institutions of the departmental, national and international order, so that this does not continue happening in our municipalities. For now we have tried to raise awareness until there is more effective and stronger legislation. ”

For his part, the governor of Guaviare department, Nebio Echeverry explained that every year is surprised by the deforestation in the Guaviare: “Deforestation is daily bread. Can not be fixed with warm cloths. If we do not penalize it, we will not stop deforestation. We must all join in earnest because otherwise they will overthrow the jungle. ”

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Finally Yunis Mebarak stressed that this strategy will enable the achievement of the goal of net deforestation by the year 2020.


Vision Amazon

Vision Amazonia is a strategy of the Government of Colombia that seeks to promote a new model of development in the Colombian Amazon from a vision of sustainable development low in deforestation that will improve the living conditions of local populations .

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